US's Wars

-wars spec to US

Luisiana War (1825-8)

-Spain shuts down New Orleans trade, brings to war

-Charleston sacked

-New York blockaded

-in general, US wins on land and Spain on sea

-but in the end, treaty sees the US win Luisiana, the Floridas under its grasp

-1825: Spain cuts off New Orleans trade, panic across US, soldiers suit up, last-ditch efforts of American Presidents > 1825-1827 William Lowndes (Republican) † to negotiate fail, US declares war

-1826: Spanish ships blockade most American ports, esp. New York, and sack Charleston; US takes over St. Augustine, St. Louis



Second Quasi War (1839-42)

-France raided American shipping during its wars

-due to France forcing Portugal to suppress slave trade (and enforcing it across its colonies), Portugal instead gets slaves from the US

-French ships raid American slave ships coming in, escalating restitution crisis

-President Pike gets permission to issue letters of marque for raids, reprisals of the French

-raids go back and forth, France considers it a distraction

-in the end France asks for peace, gives restitution, US agrees to patrol slave trade (not really followed), and war comes to an end

American Civil War (1869-76)

-American Presidents > ^af5f13 1868 election disputed, two sides form diff sides of civil war - slaver Richmondites and antislavery Constitutionalists

-Richmondites initially have control over DC, thrown away from it in 1871

-Manhattan, New Haven municipal govts declare themselves for Richmondites, resulting in Constitutionalist-controlled state governments sending militias to occupy them

-dual governments in Ohio, Indiana

Antillian War (1880-4)

-1879 assassination of President John Wentworth by neo-Richmondites causes wave of panic, US issues ultimatum to Spain to send away Richmondite exiles in Caribbean, refuse

-spanish tentative attempts to remove congress over the water not enough

-us recognizes cuban rebels as legitimate government

-speed gathers ironclads in gulf ports, and despite supply issues (worsened by destroyed railroads) gathers soldiers in new orleans, mobile, appalachicola, pensacola thru waterways

-arms funneled to spanish haiti, sent to independentist rebels

-after failed attempts to negotiate, spanish capture of us merchant vessel and speed impressed by military readiness results in war in mid 1880

-spanish attacks on ports halted by competent fleet

-american vessels land on cuba, troops battle and defeat spanish forces in alliance with cuban revolutionaries

-similarly force invades puerto rico in alliance with rebels there

-by 1884, spain driven to the peace table, in effort to keep mexico in their hands concedes independence of cuba, puerto rico

-but Richmondites in Grao-Para reconstitute Congress Over the Water

Intervention in Grao-Para (1894-5)

-Portugal is harvesting rubber in region, brutal stuff

-including Richmondite exiles running slave plantations, revealed by enterprising reporters

-international condemnation results in joint British-American-French-Dutch fleet to occupy Grao-Para, stop this

-subsequent battles rather minor, largest being Battle of New Richmond, "the last battle of the Civil War"

-Grao-Para made intl territory under International Forum, run by commission of natl appointees

-Richmondite government collapses, Portuguese in Pernambuco refuse to let Richmondites there form any sort of successor govt